Dick is not the only Van Dyke allowed on property anymore

January 29, 2012 by The Disneyhead

Let’s hear it for facial hair!  In a reversal of nearly 60 years of grooming tradition, Walt Disney World has agreed to allow its male cast members to grow beards or goatees.  Disney has always enforce a very rigid code of appearance for all of its employees in an attempt to set itself apart from the carnivals and midway attractions that competed for its guests.

Keeping with Disney tradition however, the new rules do come with limits.  The length of facial hair is not to exceed 1/4 inch in length and “must create an overall neat, polished and professional look” in addition to being fully grown in and well-groomed.  So while you are allowed to have some whiskers, it will still be up to the Mouse to decide if you meet the standard of “neat, polished and professional”.

This change in policy builds on another change in the year 2000 allowing for mustaches.  The other most recent change in appearance policy in 2010 finally allowed female cast members to forego wearing pantyhose when wearing skirts, a most welcome change given the Orlando heat.

I guess if I’m going to land that monorail pilot job some grooming on my own goatee is in order.

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